雰囲気のある空間作り 昨年9月にCHOI FLORISTをオープンしました。店の看板、照明など店のディスプレイは手作りです。店の雰囲気に誘われてお店に入ってくださるお客様が多く、雰囲気作りは大切だと思っています。花の仕入れも私が直接太田市場に出向いて自分の店に合ったもの、他の店にはないようなものを選んでお客様に紹介しています。自分で店を持つようになって、デザインだけしていたときには気づかなかった、植物には捨てるところがまったくないころなどを知ってデザインに広がりが出ました。今回のデザインは、私は店作りのポリシーを形にしたものとなりました。 분위기가 있는 공간 만들기(작가..최성복) 작년 9월에 CHOI FLORIST를 오픈했습니다. 가게의 간판, 조명 등 가게의 디스플레이등을 손수 제작한것입니다. 가게의 분위기에 이끌려 가게에 들어오는 고객이 많아, 분위기란 중요한것이라 생각합니다. 꽃의 매입도 직접 오타시장에 나가 가게에 맞은 것, 다른 가게에는 없는 물건등을 선택하여, 고객에게 소개하고 있습니다. 자신의 가게를 가지게 되면서, 디자인만을 할때와는 달리, 식물에대해 몰랐던 것들도 알게되고, 식물을 버리는 일이 없이 전부 디자인에 활용하고 있습니다……… I opened the Choi Florist in September last year. The shop’s signboard and lights and all the displays inside it were made by hand. Attracted by the shop’s atmosphere,many customers come inside. I believe that creating an atmosphere is very important.With regard to the flowers that I stock in the shop, too, I go directly to the Ota market myself and choose those that match my shop or that cannot be found in other shops, and introduce them to my customers. Since I have owned my own shop, I have realized some things that I did not notice when I was only engaged in flower design, such as that with plants there is no part that needs to be wasted. As a result my designs themselves have begun to develop in new ways. The design that I have made this time has given concrete from to the policy that I have adopted with regard to my shop.